In the State of Minnesota we are...
» 11 Nations strong.
» Top contributors to employment.
» The second largest driver of tourism.
» Thriving.
» Still Here.
We are still here, Minnesota.
Recent events in the United States and around the world have brought increased public attention to issues faced by marginalized groups, including Native peoples. Despite this increased awareness, the majority of Americans maintain skewed perceptions of Native peoples and nations. In Minnesota, entrenched disparities in health, education and economic opportunity persist despite the state's reputation as one of progressive change. We Are Still Here Minnesota is a community (or network) of Native American leaders in education, governance, media and philanthropy working together with our allies to identify and deconstruct narratives harmful to Native Americans. We Are Still Here Minnesota affirms the resiliency of Native peoples throughout our region, and we stand committed to rebuilding systems that support Native families, communities, and Nations now and into the future.

Support Our Current Work
We will be leaders in movements, to challenge all systems of oppression and dominant ideals that have devalued our authentic history and rights as Sovereign Nations.

Support Learning All of Minnesota's History
Learning the true history of our State with all its flaws is not a practice of cancellation culture, but of being an informed citizen.

Be A Good Ally
Identify and disrupt invisibility where you see it, smash stereotypes and demand accurate history

Lead by Example
Nothing About Us Without Us. Is there a Native Voice at your table?
MCF Member March 2023 Briefing: Indigenous Education for All
Tribal Nations and their citizens in Minnesota are invisible to many Minnesotans. Eighty seven (87) percent of U.S. state history standards do not mention Native American history after 1900*…
Read More »Support Our Work Today
Please donate today and help us to be leaders in movements, to challenge all systems of oppression and dominant ideals that have devalued our authentic history and rights as Sovereign Nations. Join us in our commitment to lead the way towards positive and progressive change in Minnesota.